I'm slowly on a journey to rediscover things from my internet-fueled childhood, but a lot of it is hard to find nowadays.
This will likely consist of mostly videos since a lot of my (especially early) childhood resided on YouTube and NND!
As I find more, I'll link it here.
Disclaimer: Some of this might end up having outdated/poorly aged 'humor'. This is kind of a given if we're talking about 2000s/early 2010s internet, and I was also very much a child with no internet supervision. By no means am I condoning any of that kind of content by having it linked here.
Ribbit ⑨ destiny (ケロ⑨ destiny)
Maid! Knee socks! Pad-Chief! (東方スイーツ!~鬼畜姉妹と受難メイド~) (PG-16)
Wakasagihime's 100 Sushi Topping Game (わかさぎ姫の寿司ネタ100本勝負)
Scarlet Police (警察のゲットーパトロール24時)
495Go! Little Sister's Emotion (495Go! 妹様emotion)
Touhou Celebrity ~ABUNAI SISTERS~
Staggering Spirit, Keine's Staggering Song
Soaring Dance (みwなwぎwっwてwきwたwww)
Kyu! Kyu! Kyu! Nya~! (きゅっきゅっきゅっニャー)
Rolling with Rolling Girl (ローリングガール転がってみた)
Let's speak in English with Luka Megurine
Wide Knowledge of the Late, Madness
Secret Police (Aisha Neko ver.)
When the Swindlers Start Laughing Out (Aisha Neko ver.)
The Riddle Solver Who Can't Solve Riddles
October Children (MapleStory Animation Series)
Maple Rushed 2 (MapleStory Animation Collab Series)
Oh Oh Oh Sexy Vampire - Disko Warp feat. Fright Ranger (Radio Gosha)
Hi-posi - You Are My Music
Chobits OST - Play in the Early Afternoon
IOSYS - Miracle∞Hinacle
Lucky Star OST - Karoyaka dayo
Clannad OST - That's Like the Wind
Clannad OST - Spring Breeze
Clannad OST - A Pair of Idiots
bitchwolf - Blue (Personalized OC music for my mascot!)
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